Saturday, June 7, 2008

All events must come to an end.

This year I really wanted to limit what extra curricular activities Payton participated in. It seemed that this fall we were running literally every day of the week. Between dance, cheerleading, Awanas, church, and Piano, I was exhausted. This spring we had Awanas, softball, piano and swim lessons. Well, they are now finally complete. Payton and caden enjoyed swim lessons and improved a great deal. Payton still has a little fear when it comes to being alone in the water, while Caden has no fear at all. He is our little fish and loves to just jump on in with the intention that someone will catch him. Over the past few weeks he started doing this dance before he jumped looked as if he had been watching some sort of adult dance performance judging by his moves. He certainly did not get his "dance style" from us!

Payton had her last softball game last week and I had to get a picture of her with her catcher's gear on. She could hardly walk, which made everyone crack up!I don't know if softball will be her thing, but it sure was fun to watch her little legs run to each base.

1 comment:

Bridget said...

Such cute kids you have. I am trying to not overbook my kids too. Its hard when there's so many fun things to do though.